Calling all entries!
The Near West Side Neighborhood is looking for designs for a t-shirt for the neighborhood! T-shirts will be used for fundraising and as a fun way for neighbors to show their love of their ‘hood!!
NWSNO T-Shirt Design Contest Rules
The contest is open to any person currently living or working on the Near West Side.
There is no age restriction on who can participate.
Only one (1) entry per person is permitted.
All entries must be original creations of the contestant that has never beenpublished, and does not contain profanity, trademarks, logos, or copyrighted worksof any other person or business.
The winner of this contest will be chosen by a vote or people attending the January17th NWSNO meeting.
The winning designer may display their own design in a portfolio or personalcollection, but will remain the property of the NWSNO.
If your design is selected, you can choose your prize from the following:
A Gift Card at a local downtown restaurant (a $30 value)
Our gift to you – two (2) T-Shirts
The contest begins and submissions can be made starting on November 23, 2021.All entries must be received by midnight on January 17, 2022.
The entry should be accompanied by your name and contact information.
A printed and signed copy of the contest rules.
The entry may be drawn or printed on 8-1/2” x 11” paper or ...
The entry may be any of the following art file formats if submitted electronically: .AI, .JPG, .PDF, .PNG or .PSD. (Dimensions: 12" x 12")
The design should be limited to 2 colors of the artist’s choosing.
We will be printing these out, mounting them on foam core, and displaying thedesigns at the January 2022 where the one entry that receives the most votes willby the winner! In the case of a tie, we will do blind drawing to select the finalist.Again, NSWNO must receive all entries by January 17th, 2022
The NWSNO Tee Shirt will be printed and available for purchase in time for theFebruary, 2022 meeting.
Entries can be submitted in two ways – by dropoff at 1012 W. Washington or by email to