Upcoming events.

This calendar is primarily for neighborhood sponsored events. However, we will add events that will be useful to neighbors as we are made aware of them.

Have an event that you think should be on here? Send us an email at nwsnorg@gmail.com with the subject “events” and we will try and include on our calendar.

Please note: Due to COVID-19, many of our events have been cancelled or postponed or gone virtual. We hope to return to our regularly scheduled programming soon.


Asphalt Art Installation

Asphalt Art Installation

Neighbors, along with artist Christopher Silva, in partnership with the Near West Side Neighborhood and the City of South Bend, are painting the asphalt between the Civil Rights Heritage Center (1040 West Washington) and the Notre Dame Center for Civic Innovation (1045 West Washington)!

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Monthy Meeting

Monthy Meeting

Our March meeting will be Tuesday, May 28th at 7 pm. This meeting will be IN-PERSON meeting.

The meeting will be held at the Civil Rights Heritage Center at 1040 West Washington Street, South Bend, Indiana 46601.

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Monthy Gathering

Monthy Gathering

Our next monthly gathering will be Tuesday, January 24 at 7 pm. This gathering will be IN-PERSON and SOCIAL (mostly) with a brief update on our Ignite Grant! Non-vaccinated neighbors are encouraged to where masks to the meeting if possible.

The meeting will be held at the Civil Rights Heritage Center at 1040 W. Washington at 7:00 pm.

We’ve themed this gathering to be desserts (cheese & fruit count!). Bring a dish if you like or are able.

We hope you can join us!

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Monthy Meeting

Monthy Meeting

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, May 24 at 7 pm. This meeting will be IN-PERSON meeting. Non-vaccinated neighbors are encouraged to where masks to the meeting if possible.

The meeting will be held at the Civil Rights Heritage Center at 1040 W. Washington at 7:00 pm.

We hope you can join us!

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Monthy Meeting

Monthy Meeting

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, April 26 at 7 pm. This meeting will be IN-PERSON meeting. Non-vaccinated neighbors are encouraged to where masks to the meeting if possible.

The meeting will be held at the Civil Rights Heritage Center at 1040 W. Washington at 7:00 pm.

We hope you can join us!

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Mrs. Nino's Garden Cleanup Day

Mrs. Nino's Garden Cleanup Day

Mrs. Niño's Garden is a partnership between El Campito Child Development Center and the Near West Side Neighborhood of South Bend, Ind. It seeks to grow happy and healthy people, plants, and community.

Located at the corner of Laurel and Thomas Street in South Bend, Indiana.

Saturday, April 23, 2022 from 9 a.m. to noon, It's garden clean-up day. El Campito students, families, and teachers and NWSNO community members are all invited.

Come on out. There will be sunshine ... and donuts!

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Annual Neighborhood Spring Cleanup Day

Annual Neighborhood Spring Cleanup Day

Neighborhood Cleanup Day!

Join us Saturday, April 9th, 2022, for our annual Spring Neighborhood Clean Up!

We'll meet in the St. Paul's parking lot (1001 W. Colfax Ave.) where we will hand out maps of the target areas for this year's cleanup efforts.

Code enforcement will be out with us that day and are providing gloves and trash bags for us to use.

(Coffee and doughnuts have returned!) So get your coffee and doughnuts, grab a map and gloves, and help us clean up our neighborhood! This is a rain or shine event.

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T-Shirt Design Contest!
to Jan 17

T-Shirt Design Contest!

Calling all entries!

The Near West Side Neighborhood is looking for designs for a t-shirt for the neighborhood! T-shirts will be used for fundraising and as a fun way for neighbors to show their love of their ‘hood!!

NWSNO T-Shirt Design Contest Rules

  1. The contest is open to any person currently living or working on the Near West Side.

  2. There is no age restriction on who can participate.

  3. Only one (1) entry per person is permitted.

  4. All entries must be original creations of the contestant that has never beenpublished, and does not contain profanity, trademarks, logos, or copyrighted worksof any other person or business.

  5. The winner of this contest will be chosen by a vote or people attending the January17th NWSNO meeting.

  6. The winning designer may display their own design in a portfolio or personalcollection, but will remain the property of the NWSNO.

  7. If your design is selected, you can choose your prize from the following:

    • A Gift Card at a local downtown restaurant (a $30 value)

    • Our gift to you – two (2) T-Shirts

  8. The contest begins and submissions can be made starting on November 23, 2021.All entries must be received by midnight on January 17, 2022.


    • The entry should be accompanied by your name and contact information.

    • A printed and signed copy of the contest rules.

    • The entry may be drawn or printed on 8-1/2” x 11” paper or ...

    • The entry may be any of the following art file formats if submitted electronically: .AI, .JPG, .PDF, .PNG or .PSD. (Dimensions: 12" x 12")

    • The design should be limited to 2 colors of the artist’s choosing.

  10. We will be printing these out, mounting them on foam core, and displaying thedesigns at the January 2022 where the one entry that receives the most votes willby the winner! In the case of a tie, we will do blind drawing to select the finalist.Again, NSWNO must receive all entries by January 17th, 2022

  11. The NWSNO Tee Shirt will be printed and available for purchase in time for theFebruary, 2022 meeting.

Entries can be submitted in two ways – by dropoff at 1012 W. Washington or by email to nswnorg@gmail.com.

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Monthy Meeting

Monthy Meeting

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, November 23rd at 7 pm. This meeting will be IN-PERSON meeting. Non-vaccinated neighbors are encouraged to where masks to the meeting if possible.

The meeting will be held at the Civil Rights Heritage Center at 1040 W. Washington at 7:00 pm.

We hope you can join us!

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Monthy Meeting

Monthy Meeting

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, October 19th at 7 pm. This meeting will be IN-PERSON meeting. Non-vaccinated neighbors are encouraged to where masks to the meeting if possible.

The meeting will be held at the Civil Rights Heritage Center at 1040 W. Washington at 7:00 pm.

We hope you can join us!

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Monthy Meeting

Monthy Meeting

Our next meeting will be Tuesday, September 28th at 7 pm. This meeting will be IN-PERSON meeting. Non-vaccinated neighbors are encouraged to where masks to the meeting if possible.

The meeting will be held at the Civil Rights Heritage Center at 1040 W. Washington at 7:00 pm.

Our guest speaker will be Gary Gilot, retired City Engineer and previous Board of Public Works President, will give a talk on “How to Work with the City.” We hope you can join us!

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Taco Battle Fundraiser 2021

Taco Battle Fundraiser 2021

This year El Campito will offer a lunch option in Mishawaka location to be determined. In the evening, they will host at El Campito's Campus from 4-8pm on September 21st, 2021. Come for the SBVPA Boomer on-site, along with bounce houses, more food options and a grand opening for Mrs. Niño's Garden!

TICKETS available here: https://elcampito.kindful.com/e/tacobattlefundraiser2021

Original Taco Ticket

$10.00 per ticket.

This ticket packet is good for: 2 tickets for 2 tacos, 1 drink, 1 ticket to vote for favorite taco, 1 ticket for raffle prize

Family Pack--El Campito Campus Only

$35.00 per ticket.

Each ticket pack gets you: 8 taco tickets, 4 drink tickets, 4 tickets to vote for best taco, 1 raffle ticket

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NWSNO Board Meeting

NWSNO Board Meeting


Our September 2021 board meeting will be an IN-PERSON meeting on Tuesday, September 14th, 2021 at 7:00 pm. Meeting location TBD. Location will be updated here as soon as it is firmed up and the location will also be sent to board members via the email meeting reminder.

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Neighborhood Priorities Workshop

Neighborhood Priorities Workshop

Join us for important planning workshops as the City of South Bend, in partnership with neighborhood residents and stakeholders, creates a neighborhood plan for the Near West Side Neighborhood.

Building on the results of the visioning workshop, help determine our neighborhood’s priorities for future projects, policies and programs.

Attend in-person: Civil Rights Heritage Center at 1040 W. Washington Street, South Bend

Virtual option: https://bit.ly/3jlzVpM

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Neighborhood Garage Sale

Neighborhood Garage Sale

NWSNO Neighborhood Garage Sale - It’s the return of the annual neighborhood garage sale! This event hasn’t happened for many years but we are now looking to bring it back!! This year’s event will be held on Saturday, August 28th from 8 - 4 pm.

To add your address to the online map, please email us at: nwsnorg@gmail.com or call us and leave a message at 574-404-3155. Please be sure to include the address where the sale will take place and if you like, a general idea of the types of items that will be for sale (for example: children’s clothes, furniture, sports equipment, collectibles, electronics, etc.).

**Locations are marked with yellow stars.

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Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

Our August meeting will be Tuesday, August 24th at 7 pm. This meeting will be an IN-PERSON meeting. Non-vaccinated AND vaccinated neighbors are encouraged to where masks to the meeting if possible.

The meeting destination is TBD as of 8/10/21. Check back for an update on the location. It’s will be added here as well as posted on Fb, emailed, and posted here.

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Visioning Workshop

Visioning Workshop

Join us for important planning workshops as the City of South Bend, in partnership with neighborhood residents and stakeholders, creates a neighborhood plan for the Near West Side Neighborhood.

Provide your ideas as the Near West Side neighborhood sets a broad direction for its housing, infrastructure, land use, amenities, and other key topics.

Attend in-person: Civil Rights Heritage Center at 1040 W. Washington Street, South Bend

Virtual option: https://bit.ly/36dNeGR

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Visioning Workshop

Visioning Workshop

Join us for important planning workshops as the City of South Bend, in partnership with neighborhood residents and stakeholders, creates a neighborhood plan for the Near West Side Neighborhood.

Provide your ideas as the Near West Side neighborhood sets a broad direction for its housing, infrastructure, land use, amenities, and other key topics.

Attend in-person: Civil Rights Heritage Center at 1040 W. Washington Street, South Bend

Virtual option: https://bit.ly/3hiNcna

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Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

Our June meeting will be Tuesday, July 27th at 7 pm. This meeting will be our FIRST IN-PERSON meeting since COVID and we thought it would be great to do a POT LUCK for the meeting. Bring a dish to pass if you like. The meeting starts at 7:00 but the grub/eating portion will start at 6:30 pm. Non-vaccinated neighbors are encouraged to where masks to the meeting if possible.

The meeting will be held in the basement of St, Paul’s Memorial Church at 1001 W. Colfax.

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Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

Our June meeting will be Tuesday, June 22nd at 7 pm. This will be our LAST VIRTUAL meeting. We have used up our free year of Zoom Pro, which was paid for by a grant through the city of South Bend at the height of the pandemic. For this reason, the large numbers of people being vaccinated and the CDC recommendations for gathering, we are going to try and return to in-person meetings next month for our July 27th meeting. We will let everyone know where that meeting will take place at a later date. Non-vaccinated neighbors are encouraged to where masks to the meeting whenever possible.

To join the Zoom meeting, please use this link: https://bit.ly/3cU2LPD Or call: 1-312-626-6799. The meeting ID is: 831 3699 0261

**PLEASE NOTE** This Zoom link is different from the one used last month

Our guest speaker will be Adam Toering, who will be talking to us about tax credits for home renovations.

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Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

Our April meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 27 at 7 pm.

At this time we still plan on continuing with VIRTUAL meetings. To join, please use this link: https://bit.ly/2FBXu1i Or call: 1-312-626-6799. The meeting ID is: 812 4748 1792 and the passcode is: 661455

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Spring Clean

Spring Clean

We will be meeting at in the parking lot of St. Hedwig's (331 S. Scott St.) where we will hand out maps to the target areas we have selected for this year's cleanup efforts. As always, code enforcement will be out with us that day and are providing gloves and trash bags for us to use. The cleanup will be from 10:00 am to 12:30 pm on Saturday, May 15th.

Because of Covid-19, we will not be having our usual coffee and donuts in the morning nor the after party. Instead we will hand out bags in the morning with water and a snack. Please remember to practice social distancing when possible and bring a mask just in case you need when interacting with neighbors.

This is a great opportunity for us to impact the neighborhood in such a simple way, so please consider joining us in our efforts to beautify the neighborhood by ridding it of loose trash!

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Mrs. Nino’s Garden and Neighborhood Cleanup Day

Mrs. Nino’s Garden and Neighborhood Cleanup Day

mrs ninos garden.jpg

From their El Campito’s Facebook event:

Event by El Campito Child Development Center and Near West Side Neighborhood Organization

1024 Thomas St, South Bend, IN 46601

Saturday, May 1, 2021 at 9 AM EDT – 1 PM EDT

Price: Free · Duration: 4 hr

Public · Anyone on or off Facebook

We are so excited to collaborate on Thomas St on May 1! Please feel free to join us. Breakfast and coffee will be provided.

**all participants 3 years and up will need to be using masks**

We will have several activities available for individuals or families to participate in.
- trash clean up
- grotto clean up
- working with the University of Notre Dame Engineering class to place the irrigation system
- assembling raised Garden beds
- building a compost bin

If you would like to attend, please fill out this google form so we can get you a tshirt! https://forms.gle/duUzTFobTfzSQyF5A See Less

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Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

Our April meeting will be held on Tuesday, April 27 at 7 pm.

At this time we still plan on continuing with VIRTUAL meetings. To join, please use this link: https://bit.ly/2FBXu1i Or call: 1-312-626-6799. The meeting ID is: 812 4748 1792 and the passcode is: 661455

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Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

Our March meeting (postponed by one week) will be held on Tuesday, March 30 at 7 pm. We will return to our normal schedule for meeting (the 4th Tuesday of every month) beginning next month. That meeting will be April 27 at 7 pm.

At this time we still plan on continuing with VIRTUAL meetings. To join, please use this link: https://bit.ly/2FBXu1i Or call: 1-312-626-6799. The meeting ID is: 812 4748 1792 and the passcode is: 661455

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Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

Our February meeting (postponed by one week) will be held on Tuesday, March 2 at 7 pm. Our March meeting will be on Tuesday, March 30 at 7pm (the link below will work for both meetings).

At this time we still plan on continuing with VIRTUAL meetings. To join, please use this link: https://bit.ly/2FBXu1i Or call: 1-312-626-6799. The meeting ID is: 812 4748 1792 and the passcode is: 661455

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Monthly Meeting

Monthly Meeting

Our January meeting was supposed to be on Tuesday, January 26th. Due to a scheduling conflict with the leadership team, the meeting has been postponed by one week. The January meeting will now be held on Tuesday, February 2 at 7 pm. We will have our February meeting (also pushed back by a week) on Tuesday, March 2 at 7 pm (the link below will work for both meetings).

At this time we still plan on continuing with VIRTUAL meetings. To join, please use this link: https://bit.ly/2FBXu1i Or call: 1-312-626-6799. The meeting ID is: 812 4748 1792 and the passcode is: 661455

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